Indonesian citizen, born in 1962, and residing in Jakarta. He graduated from the Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering in 1988 and earned a Master’s degree in Highway Engineering and Systems from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1991. He was appointed as the President Commissioner of the Company in 2019 and was reappointed based on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) decision on June 19, 2023.
Previously, he held various positions at PT Pamapersada Nusantara, including Senior Engineer and Cost Estimator, Chief Engineer, Project Manager for ISO 9001, Operations Manager, Head of Operations Division (2005-2007), and Operations Director (2007-2013). He also served as Director at PT United Tractors Tbk.
In addition to his role as President Commissioner at ACSET, he currently holds multiple positions, including President Director of PT Pamapersada Nusantara (since 2013), President Commissioner of PT Agincourt Resources, Commissioner of PT Unitra Persada Energia, PT Tambang Karya Supra (in liquidation), PT Tambang Supra Perkasa (in liquidation), PT Karya Supra Perkasa (since 2019), President Director of PT United Tractors Tbk (since 2019), Director of PT Astra International Tbk (since 2019), and UT Heavy Industry Pte. Ltd. He is also a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee at ACSET (since 2019) and holds various positions in subsidiaries of PT Pamapersada Nusantara, including President Commissioner, Vice President Commissioner, and Commissioner.
He has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, however, he has an affiliation with the major and controlling shareholders.
Indonesian Citizen, born in 1969. Obtained his Bachelor Degree in Economics (Finance Management) from University of Indonesia. He has been appointed as the Company’s Commissioner since 2018 and was reappointed based on the Annual GMS Resolutions dated 19 Juni 2023.
Previously, he served as Chief Accountant of PT Shell Indonesia (1990-1998), Finance Director of Astra Sedaya Finance (2006-2008), Finance Director of General Electric Indonesia (2008-2010), Head of Group Treasury and Investor Relations of PT Astra International Tbk (2010-2015), Director of PT Unitra Persada Energia (2015-2020), Commissioner of PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (2015-2020), Director of Unitra Power Pte Ltd (2016-2020), and President Commissioner of PT Supra Alphaplus Handal (2016-2020).
In addition to serving as Commissioner at the Company, he currently has concurrent positions as Director of PT United Tractors Tbk (since 2015), Commissioner of PT Pamapersada Nusantara, PT Arkora Hydro Tbk, PT Tuah Turangga Agung, PT Bhumi Jati Power, PT Bina Pertiwi, and PT Agincourt Resources, President Commissioner of PT Unitra Nusantara Persada, PT Energia Prima Nusantara, PT Ilthabi Energia Hidrohydro, and PT Redelong Hydro Energy, Director of PT Karya Supra Perkasa, PT Unitra Persada Energia and Unitra Power Pte. Ltd., PT Tambang Karya Supra (in liquidation) and PT Tambang Supra Perkasa (in liquidation), and member of ACSET’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee (since 2019).
He has no affiliation relationship with the other members of the Board of Commissioners and members of the Board of Directors, but has affiliation relationship with Main and Controlling Shareholders.
Indonesian citizen, born on February 17 1978. She completed her education at the Faculty of Economics, University Tarumanagara, Jakarta. She was appointed as Commissioner of the Company based on the decision of the 2024 ACSET AGMS.Previously, she joined the PT Astra International Tbk (Astra) group since 2003 in the Corporate Planning & Strategy division.
While serving in the Astra group, she held several positions including Chief of Corporate Planning & Strategy Astra (2016 – April 2023) and President Director of PT Astra Digital Internasional (April 2020 – April 2023).
Apart from serving as Commissioner of the Company, she currently serves as President Director of PT MobilitasDigital Indonesia, as well as Commissioner of PT Astra Digital Internasional and PT Agincourt Resources.
She has no affiliation relationship with the other members of the Board of Commissioners and members of the Board of Directors, but has affiliation relationship with Main and Controlling Shareholders.
Indonesian Citizen, born in 1955, domiciled in Jakarta. Graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering (1981) and Bachelor’s Degree in Economics (1986) from University of Indonesia. He has been appointed as the Company’s Independent Commissioner since 2021 and was reappointed based on the Annual GMS Resolutions dated 19 Juni 2023.
He started his career at PT United Tractors Tbk as Management Trainee (1981-1983) up to being appointed as Director of UT Heavy Industry (S) Pte Ltd (1997-2006), Commissioner of PT Pamapersada Nusantara (1998-2001), Commissioner of PT Traktor Nusantara (1998-2006), Director of PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (1999- 2006), and President Director of PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (2006-2014). Furthermore, he had career as Independent Commissioner of PT Komatsu Astra Finance (2017-2021), as well as Independent Commissioner and Chair of Audit Committee of PT United Tractors Tbk (2017-2021).
In addition to serving as an Independent Commissioner of the Company, he currently holds concurrent positions as Independent Commissioner of PT Surya Artha Nusantara Finance (since 2018), Chair of ACSET’s Audit Committee (since 2021), Chair of ACSET’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee (since 2021), and Chair of Risk Monitoring Committee of SANF (2022).
He has no financial, management, and family relationship with the other members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, and Main and Controlling Shareholders.
Indonesian Citizen, born in 1948, domiciled in Jakarta. Obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (Technical Engineering) from National Technic Academy in 1973. He has been appointed as the Company’s Independent Commissioner since 2021 and was reappointed based on the Annual GMS Resolutions dated 19 Juni 2023.
Previously, he had careers as Manager of PT United Tractors Tbk (1973-1986), Finance Director of PT Komatsu Indonesia (1986-1991), Managing Director of PT Tractor Nusantara (1991-1993), and Managing Director of PT Swadaya Harapan Nusantara (1991-1993). Furthermore, he served as Director of Finance and Administration of PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (1993-2008), Independent Commissioner and Chair of Audit Committee of PT Astra Sedaya Finance (2008-2012), Independent Commissioner and Chair of Audit Committee of PT Federal International Finance (2012-2016), Member of Audit Committee of PT United Tractors Tbk (2012-2017), and Member of Risk Monitoring Committee and Member of Audit Committee of PT Asuransi Astra Buana (2013-2018). He also served as an Independent Director of ACSET (2015-2017), Independent Commissioner of PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (2016-2020), and Chair of Audit Committee and Chair of Risk Monitoring Committee of PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (2016-2020).
In addition to serving as the Company’s Independent Commissioner, he currently holds concurrent positions as Audit Committee of PT Astra Honda Motor (since 2008) and Member of ACSET’s Audit Committee (since 2019).
He has no financial, management, and family relationship with the other members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, and Main and Controlling Shareholders.